To maintain inmate discipline within Jail Operations, a set of rules and regulations has been established that specifies violations and sanctions. Inmate rights will be recognized, and responsible inmate behavior will be required at all times. An efficient operating facility, safe working conditions for jail staff and the security of the inmate population are the primary objectives for the enforcement of jail rules. New inmates will be informed of jail rules at the time of admission.
a) The following critical jail rules are posted at Medical Triage and Uncuff:
1. Inmates must obey all directives of staff
2. Inmates must be respectful to staff
3. Inmates cannot create a disturbance in the jail b) Violation of these rules may result in loss of privileges (dayroom, recreation, phones and visits) and placement into Disciplinary Housing for disciplinary reasons. c) Jail rules, programs and services are posted throughout each facility in the dayrooms, outdoor recreation, and other areas. d) Inmates are required to read, understand and comply with inmate orientation provisions and jail rules. Any violation of laws or jail rules may result in jail discipline and/or criminal prosecution. If there are any questions, inmates should ask a member of the jail staff for clarification.
a) Orange County Jail Rules 1. Inmates are required to read, understand, and comply with all inmate orientation provisions and the Jail Rules. If there are any questions, ask a member of the jail staff for clarification. b) Obeying Jail Staff 1. Inmates shall obey all directives immediately and completely. 2. Inmates shall not make false statements to jail staff. c) Addressing Jail Staff 1. At all times, inmates shall treat staff and visitors with courtesy and shall address them with their proper title such as "Deputy,” "Sir,” "Nurse,” etc. 2. At no time will any staff member be addressed by his/her first name. d) Smoking 1. Smoking is not permitted inside any Orange County Jail facility. Possession of any tobacco products and/or paraphernalia is prohibited, (e.g., lighters, matches, rolling paper or any other items used for smoking). e) Housing Assignments and Movement 1. No inmate will occupy a bunk other than the one assigned him/her. 2. At no time will an inmate be permitted in a sector/tank/tent/barrack or cell to which the inmate is not assigned. 3. Any unescorted inmate at the Central Jail Complex or Theo Lacy facility will have in his/her possession a movement pass or module card which will be presented at each Guard Station. Inmates are not to proceed further until directed to do so. 4. Inmates will return his/her movement pass to a deputy upon returning to the module. 5. Inmates directed to move through any jail facility will proceed promptly and as follows: i. Unless otherwise directed, remain along the right hand side of the corridor. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. If floor markings are present, inmate must follow the markings. Single file. No talking permitted. Hands in pockets. Stay clear of all phones and alarms. vii. viii. Inmates may not enter marked unauthorized areas. Inmates must walk at all times. Running is not permitted. 6. Carrying or passing any article from one housing area to another is forbidden. f) Communications 1. Inmates are not permitted to communicate in any manner with persons not in custody, except as authorized by the jail staff. 2. Inmates will not communicate with other inmates outside their immediate housing area without prior approval of the jail staff. g) Jail Issued Clothing 1. Inmates shall dress in full jail issue clothing and workers shall shave prior to the morning meal. 2. Inmates whose gender identity at time of classification differs from their gender assigned at birth shall be permitted to wear undergarments of the gender with which they identify if those particular undergarments are their preference. 3. Transgender inmates who identify as female, (male gender assigned at birth), have the option of choosing female undergarments to include both bras and female underpants. 4. Transgender inmates who identify as male, (female gender assigned at birth), have the option of choosing male boxer shorts and will not be required to wear a bra. 5. Full jail issued clothing consists of: i. Underwear (choice according to gender identity) ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. T-shirt Socks Jumpsuit or pants and shirt Shoes Bra (choice according to gender identity) Sweatshirt (optional, facility specific) Face Mask 6. Inmates shall remain in full jail issue clothing while in the dayrooms, common areas or outside their cell. At all times, jumpsuits will be worn buttoned up, sleeves, pant legs and collars down. Alterations to jail issue clothing may be considered damage to jail property and the inmate may be subject to disciplinary action. The wearing of any item that is not facility issue clothing (e.g., headbands, etc.) is prohibited. 7. Inmates shall make their bunks up neatly and keep them that way unless the bunk actively occupied by the inmate. Whenever inmates are at ease on their own bunks, they may be permitted to cover themselves with blankets, provided that sufficient anatomy is exposed to establish the presence of a person. h) Count 1. During the count, inmates shall stand near their bunks unless otherwise directed by jail staff. 2. Inmates will respond to the deputy as directed during the count. 3. Talking, horseplay, or other disruptions are not permitted during the count. i) Attending Meals 1. Inmates will be called on line for meals by jail staff. 2. Inmates desiring to attend or receive a meal must be dressed in full jail issue clothing and come on line promptly. 3. Inmates who do not wish to attend or receive a meal must remain in their housing location. 4. Inmates will be afforded a reasonable amount of time to eat. 5. Upon completion of the meal, inmates will proceed directly to their assigned housing location. j) Conduct During Meals 1. Inmates will conduct themselves in an orderly manner at all times. 2. No food may be removed from the dining hall. 3. Food may not be passed from one table to another. 4. Food must be handled so as to keep the dining halls and tables neat. 5. Conversation will be limited to the inmates at each table. 6. When the deputy announces the end of the meal, all inmates will promptly line up to turn in plates, utensils and any unconsumed food. k) Dayrooms/Recreation Areas 1. Inmates shall have access to their assigned dayrooms according to approved schedules. Jail staff will regulate inmate movement into and out of the dayroom. 2. When dayroom is given, all inmates shall move promptly to their assigned dayroom. 3. Inmates in dayrooms shall be in full jail issued clothing at all times. 4. Shower shoes may be worn to and from the showers only, unless authorized by the Division Commander. 5. Dayroom supplies will not be removed from dayrooms. 6. Newspapers shall remain in the dayrooms at all times. Newspapers may not be torn or cut in any manner. Any portion of a newspaper found in any area other than the dayroom or on an inmate's person will be considered contraband and the inmate may be subject to disciplinary action. 7. Blankets, sheets, or other bedding are not permitted in the dayroom. Bedding shall not be used for table cloths, hammocks, etc. All bedding shall remain on the bunk. 8. Tampering with any television set may result in disciplinary action being brought against the inmate. The television may be removed as a result of tampering. 9. Dayrooms will be left in a neat, orderly condition. 10. Moveable chairs shall remain in designated areas. l) Games and Recreation 1. Inmates may attend scheduled recreation periods and may, while in the dayroom, utilize the games and supplies issued to that dayroom. Violating any jail rules while in the dayroom/ outdoor recreation area, or damaging any books, games or equipment, may result in loss of recreation privileges. 2. Gambling in any form is not permitted. 3. Roughhousing, horseplay or physical exercise by use of the jail fixtures is not permitted. 4. The practice of tattooing, body piercing, body branding and body art is not permitted. m) Property 1. Inmates may possess only those items identified in this policy. All other items shall be considered contraband and will result in the item(s) being confiscated and properly disposed of. Disciplinary action may also be taken. i. Items Issued by jail staff ii. iii. iv. v. Items purchased through commissary from the Jail Commissary Order Slip Items permitted at the time of booking Items permitted to be received through the mail Items permitted by court order 2. Inmates (unless they are Pro-Per) may possess a limited amount of personal items such as letters, photographs (no larger than 8” x 10”) and court papers. Inmates may also possess materials for correspondence. 3. Inmates shall maintain all personal items and/or legal paperwork in two expandable folders. Any items described in this paragraph that do not fit into two expandable folders shall be discarded or mailed out of the facility at the inmate’s expense. Under no circumstances shall personal items and/or legal paperwork be stored outside two expandable folders, or affixed to a cell or the furnishings therein. 4. Inmates shall not possess more than the quantity limit of any one item listed on the Jail Commissary Order Slip. Items purchased through commissary and retained in an inmate’s cell shall be reasonable in quantity such that storage of such items shall not invade the space Of other inmates in the cell. i. For inmates housed alone, a housing sergeant or above has the discretion to deem the quantity of personal property items unreasonable. ii. The storage area for an inmate is limited to their property box, two expandable folders for personal property and/or legal paperwork, and a reasonable amount of space for commissary items as per the housing sergeant or above. iii. 5. If the quantity of commissary items possessed by any inmates is determined to be unreasonable by the housing sergeant or above, the inmate will be provided advanced notice (5 days) and the opportunity to reduce the quantity of commissary items to a reasonable level. Failure to reduce the quantity of commissary items as requested may result in discipline and/or seizure of the excess items determined to be unreasonable. Articles, including food items, personal hygiene items, etc., will not be accepted from Individual’s or via the mail. 6. Inmates may only possess the items of clothing issued to them and one complete issue of jail bedding. 7. No food, except that sold in commissary or provided during in-cell feeding, will be permitted in housing areas. 8. Handcrafted or altered items made by inmates are not permitted and will be considered contraband. 9. Possession of articles issued or belonging to another inmate, such as clothing, bedding, commissary, or personal property, is not permitted. The inmate in possession of such property may be punished for a violation of jail rules and the incident may be handled as a criminal matter. 8. 9. No inmate will possess more than a combination of five books and/or magazines. Excess items shall be discarded or mailed out of the facility at the inmate's expense. i. Property that shall not be counted towards an inmate's limit are as follows: A. Holy book (1) B. Religious pamphlets (3) Unauthorized possession or hoarding of medications is not permitted. Possession of another inmate’s medication is not permitted. 10. Obscene publications, and mail containing obscene publications are not permitted (Obscene publications include, but are not limited to, photographs showing penetration, oral copulation, defecation, urination or ejaculation. Personal photographs that display nudity of any kind or items that are sexual in nature are not permitted). 11. Any item intending to incite murder, arson, riot, violent racism, or any other form of violence or criminal activity is unacceptable. 12. Any item concerning gambling or a lottery shall be prohibited. n) Buying, Selling, Trading 1. Inmates are not permitted to buy, sell, trade or give away any item of value to any inmate or member of the jail staff. 2. Possession of any type of currency by an inmate is not permitted. o) Court 1. When called on line for court, inmates will respond promptly and be in full jail issue clothing. 2. Inmates going to court will not take books, combs, commissary items, etc. without a court order. Inmates may take court papers that pertain to their case or other documents requested by the court (e.g. classroom certificates to show completion of courses ordered by the judge) and authorized self-carry medications with approved documentation. 3. Inmates have an opportunity to comb their hair and prepare for court prior to transport. 4. In Propria Persona (Pro-Per) inmates may take legal books, documents or papers necessary for their court action. p) Cleanliness 1. Each inmate will be responsible for keeping their assigned bunk and property box neat and orderly. 2. Responsibility for maintaining the cleanliness of each housing area shall be shared by the inmates assigned to that housing area. i. Dayrooms, stairs, floors, windows, showers and toilets will be cleaned by inmates who are assigned by the Barracks/Module CST. The assignment will be changed weekly and be given to inmates not going to court that day. Cleaning closets will be unlocked and supplies will be made available immediately after morning court call. Work will be supervised and directed by the Barracks/Module CST. After the cleaning is completed all supplies and cleaning implements will be locked in the cleaning closet. ii. iii. iv. Inmate workers will keep corridors and hallway areas cleaned at all times. The CST assigned to the housing location will direct inmate work crews in the daily cleaning of rooms, guard corridors and other areas. The assigned CST will direct the inmates in the barracks to collect trash from the trash receptacles so it can be picked up by the facility trash crew under supervision of the CST. The Warehouse CST will direct warehouse inmate workers to prepare supplies for use in barrack cleaning. The quantity of supplies to be delivered to each inmate housing location is posted in the warehouse. The assigned CST will ensure that each housing unit receives the proper issue of supplies. 3. Inmates who refuse or neglect to perform their assigned duties will be subject to disciplinary action. 4. Inmates shall shower regularly and maintain a good general appearance. i. ii. Inmates who fail to do so will be subject to disciplinary action. Shower areas will be available every other day (per title 15) and at times specified by the jail staff. 5. All inmates are required to conform to the grooming standards established in which they are housed. 6. Workers must abide by worker standards. 7. Inmates must dispose of all waste matter in the receptacles provided for that purpose. i. Depositing trash in the toilets or urinals is not permitted. 8. Inmates shall not spit on jail floors, walls, ceilings or any place other than a toilet or urinal. q) Lights Out 1. At the discretion of jail staff, designated inmates may use the dayroom after lights out. 2. Between the hours of lights out and reveille, all inmates will remain on their assigned bunks quietly, except when it is necessary to use toilet facilities. r) Security Devices/Inmate Identification Cards 1. Tampering, or the attempt to tamper with any manual or automatic door, telephone, window, vent cover, light, or any other security or building device is not permitted and may be handled as a violation of jail rules and/or by criminal prosecution. 2. Each inmate will be issued an identification card. i. Identification card- The inmate will wear the ID card clipped to his/her smock top at the bottom of the V-neck with the picture facing outward whenever he/she is outside of his/her assigned sector, dorm, barracks. 3. Tampering with an ID card, failing to display the ID card as required, or failing to present the ID card to any staff member upon request are violations of the jail rules which will result in disciplinary action. 4. Inmates are prohibited from coming into contact with any part of any security fence or door. 5. Non-emergency use of the in-cell Emergency Communication Button is prohibited. s) Destruction of Jail Property 1. Destruction of jail property and the writing or marking upon any part of the jail is not permitted and is punishable as a Felony or Misdemeanor under California Penal Code Section 594 and 4600. 2. Burning of any material is not permitted and may be handled as a violation of jail rules and/or by criminal prosecution. 3. No items will be affixed to any walls, ceilings, bars, bunks, fixtures, property box or any part of the building. t) In-Custody Contact 1. Personal Contact: i. Any inmate who engages in lewd or lascivious acts with the appearance of arousing, appealing to, or gratifying the lust, passions or sexual desires of themselves or others is in violation of “Personal Contact.” ii. Inmates shall avoid deliberately placing themselves in situations, or behaving in any way that will encourage sexual activity. iii. Inmates will not solicit or engage in sexual activity with other inmates. 2. Discipline by Inmates: i. ii. iii. iv. "Kangaroo Courts" (mock courts set up by inmates) and/or "Sanitation Committees" (inmate committees set up to enforce sanitation rules) are illegal in any California Jail. No inmate will inflict punishment upon another inmate. No inmate may ever be given authority over, or permitted to exert control over any other inmate. Inmates involved in the above actions will be subject to immediate discipline and/or prosecution. 3. Fighting and Horseplay: i. Inmates shall not fight or engage in physical horseplay. This includes wrestling, hitting, or any other physical contact. u) Self-Carry Medication 1. Under certain circumstances, inmates may be allowed to self-carry personally prescribed medication within the jail facility at the discretion of CHS and the Division Commander. i. ii. Inmates must carry approved documentation at all times. Inmates found hoarding or possessing another inmate’s medication are subject to disciplinary actions. Reference CCOM Policy 1600.2 (m).
a) Visiting and Communications 1. It is a misdemeanor violation of California Penal Code Section 4570 for any unauthorized person to bring into or take from any jail any letter to or from any inmate.
2. Visitors who have been released from jail or prison within the preceding sixty (60) days are ineligible to visit; however, visits between blood relatives (i.e., mother, father, sister, or brother, or a spouse) may be permitted. i. Penal Code Section 4571 prohibits persons convicted of a felony, and who have served time in any California State Prison, from entering upon the jail premises without permission of the Watch Commander.
3. Visitors must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or accompanied by an approved adult visitor such as a parent, legal guardian, or have written, notarized permission to visit from the child’s parent or legal guardian. Visitors will be required to produce satisfactory identification.
4. The following will be the only acceptable forms of identification for visiting purposes: i. Valid U.S. Government issue picture ID card (including Driver’s license and Identification cards) ii. iii. iv. v. Passport Military Identification US Issued Naturalized Citizen Card Matricula Consular Card issued after April 22, 2002
5. Upon prior request and approval of the Watch Commander, unaccompanied minor children may visit any relative in custody.
6. Visits will be a minimum of one-half hour. A minimum of two visits totaling at least one hour per inmate per week should be made available. Specific visiting times are posted at each facility. i. ii. iii. Official visits are permitted any time of the day, without time restriction. Weekenders do not receive public visits. Inmates are permitted only one public visit per day.
7. Inmates are not permitted to take property of any kind with them to a visiting session without prior approval from jail staff.
8. If contact visits are permitted, they will comply with the facility policy.
b) Mail
1. There is no limit on the amount of mail an inmate may send or receive. There is a maximum of 10 items of correspondence allowed per envelope. Only mail written on postcards or white paper (plain or lined, not cardstock) is permitted. All outgoing mail must be delivered unsealed to a Deputy or mail drop box.
2. Legal Mail - There is no limit on the amount of legal mail an orders, provided the mail is opened in the presence of the inmate.
4. Outgoing mail must have the inmate’s name and address in the upper left corner on the front side of the envelope. Mailing addresses are as follows:
. ii. Intake and Release Center (IRC), Central Men's Jail (CMJ) or Central Women's Jail (CWJ)
A. INMATE’S NAME and Booking Number 550 N. Flower Street Santa Ana, CA 92702
For inmates at Theo Lacy Facility (TLF)
A. INMATE’S NAME and Booking Number 501 City Drive South Orange, CA 92868-3390
5. No writing or marks other than the inmate's name and address and the name and address of the person to whom the letter is being sent, or proper directions to the post office, will be permitted on the envelope.
6. All letters must contain the correct amount of postage and a valid return address. i. POSTAGE MUST BE PLACED IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER OF THE FRONT SIDE OF THE ENVELOPE.
7. Incoming mail may not exceed 9x12 inches (legal documents and material are exempted).
8. Inmates will be permitted to receive through the mail any newspaper, magazine or paperback book. All books must be new and ordered though an online bookstore (e.g.:,, etc.) and shipped directly to the jail facility.
9. Books may not be purchased at a store and shipped to the jail facility.
i. The package must be accompanied by an invoice listing the purchaser, recipient, contents, and the name of the online store.
ii. Exceptions to this policy must be made by the Division Commander.
10. Inmates may correspond with other inmates in any Orange County Jail facility only via the U.S. Postal Service.
11. Packages will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender, unless previously approved by the Watch Commander.
c) Phone Calls
1. Telephone Calls at Time of Booking
i. The law requires that arrested persons must be provided the opportunity to make three (3) completed telephone calls within three (3) hours after arrest (CPC 851.5), or supplemental booking.
A. During the normal booking process, additional non-collect phone calls are available in a number of holding cells.
B. If a custodial parent, two (2) additional phone calls may be made to arrange for child care. It is the responsibility of the arresting or booking officer to ask whether an arrestee is a parent and if so, inform them of their right to make two (2) additional phone calls to arrange for the care of their children (AB 2015). These rights shall be posted in English and Spanish near areas designated for phone call use by arrestees.
B. If a custodial parent, two (2) additional phone calls may be made to arrange for child care. It is the responsibility of the arresting or booking officer to ask whether an arrestee is a parent and if so, inform them of their right to make two (2) additional phone calls to arrange for the care of their children (AB 2015). These rights shall be posted in English and Spanish near areas designated for phone call use by arrestees.
2. Telephone Calls After Booking
i. Phone calls after the time of booking will be permitted by use of housing phones. Phones are available in housing areas, tanks and roof recreation areas. All calls after booking will be made COLLECT to the receiving party. If good cause exists, an inmate may make a non-collect phone call, if approved by the Housing Sergeant. The inmate stating the necessity for the call must submit an Inmate Message Slip.
A. Telephone availability is also afforded to inmates classified as administrative housing. Limited telephone availability is afforded to inmates housed in disciplinary housing for disciplinary reasons.
B. Hours and phone availability will be determined by the Division Commander.
C. Inmates may not receive telephone calls at any Orange County Jail facility.
ii. A notice that all collect housing phones are monitored and recorded will be prominently posted in the area next to all inmate telephones. These notices will read as follows:
A. "Notice! Telephone calls may be recorded and monitored."
d) Jail Message Forms
1. Inmate Message Slips will be used by inmates when they desire to communicate in writing with the staff of the Orange County Sheriff's Department, or with persons at other county agencies within the Civic Center Complex. Forms are available from the jail staff. Other written inmate communications will be via United States Postal Service.
2. Inmates desiring to be placed on sick call, or desiring to talk with a member of the medical, dental or mental health staff will complete the pink Inmate Medical Message form and place it in the locked box located in the designated areas throughout each facility. Inmates may request a “confidential contact” by stating so on the message form without describing the nature of the medical need.
3. Requests for legal books will be submitted by the inmate to the deputy on an Inmate Message Slip.
4. Appeals of punishment may be submitted on an Inmate Message Slip.
e) Personal Street Clothing Exchange
1. One exchange of, or addition to personal street clothing, will be permitted during an inmate’s incarceration, provided existing clothing is insufficient, improper, or not suitable for court.
f) Prescription Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses
1. Inmates will be allowed to possess one pair of prescription eyeglasses and one pair of eyeglasses that are necessary for reading that are non-prescription. Eyeglasses containing a metal frame or metal temple (arm), decorative eyeglasses or glasses with tinted lenses will not be allowed for security reasons. Decorative eyeglasses are those with frames or lenses which are adorned with colorful stones or other design elements such as flowers, butterflies, name brand insignias, or any other material whose purpose and design is to provide a fashionable appearance. Plastic eyeglasses with metal reinforcement in the plastic temple (arm) or plastic glasses containing a metal hinge will be allowed. However, plastic eyeglasses that have a metal reinforcement with a pointed tip or any eyeglasses that pose a security risk as determined by the Watch Commander or his/her designee shall not be allowed inside any jail facility.
i. Reading glasses (non-prescription) and prescription eyeglasses provided to the inmate from outside the jail must be delivered to CJX inmates at the Central Men’s Jail Attorney Bonds Guard Station or to the Theo Lacy facility inmates at their respective public visiting guard station. Glasses provided from outside the jail will be screened by security staff and if found to be in compliance with the requirements listed in this section will be delivered to the inmate.
ii. Reading glasses (non-prescription), obtained through commissary are compliant with this policy.
2. Inmates may have new contact lenses mailed to them or dropped off to be put on their property, and they may have up to 12 sets of lenses in their possession at a time. Contact lenses received through the mail shall be forwarded and placed on the inmate’s property. Contact lens solution and contact lens cases may only be obtained by requesting these items on an Inmate Health Message Slip sent to the medical staff. Decorative or colored contacts will not be allowed for security reasons. Decorative or colored contacts are those that change the look of your eye such as with designs to provide a fashionable appearance or change of eye color.
i. Inmates may fill out a Property Release Form and send it to Property requesting the contact lenses be delivered to their housing location.
ii. The contacts will be taken out of the inmate’s property. One copy of the property release form will be placed around the item for delivery to the inmate’s housing location. One copy will be filed in the inmate’s property and one copy will be placed in the inmate’s jacket.
iii. Contact lenses will be screened by a CST and/or Deputy prior to being delivered to the inmate’s housing location.
g) Inmate Cash Account
1. Inmates may have money (cash); city, county, state or United States Government checks; and money orders deposited to their account at the Cashier’s Office. Money orders shall be made out to the “County of Orange – Sheriff’s Department” and the inmates name and booking number must be annotated in the reference line of the money order. These will be credited to the inmate’s account, not to exceed $500.00.
2. Money orders may also be sent by mail to an inmate for deposit to their account
3. Funds may not be transferred from the account of one inmate to the account of another inmate without the permission of the Watch Commander.
h) Emergencies
1. During any emergency, all inmates shall await instruction from jail staff.
2. In the event of an ill or injured inmate, all other inmates will return to their assigned bunk until jail staff has removed the ill or injured inmate.
2. In the event of an ill or injured inmate, all other inmates will return to their assigned bunk until jail staff has removed the ill or injured inmate.
i) Inmate Voting Procedure
1. Inmates who would like to participate in local, state and Federal elections should contact the Registrar of Voters for information and materials. Registrar of Voters PO Box 15467 Santa Ana CA 92735-9910.
j.) Classification of Inmates
1. After booking, each inmate will be interviewed by a Classification Deputy to determine the inmate’s classification rating and housing assignment. Background information is reviewed so that inmates of similar backgrounds and characteristics are housed in the same or similar housing units. Inmates who have been sentenced to more than 60 days may request a review of their classification rating no more often than 30 days from their last review. Inmates requesting a review must submit an Inmate Message Slip to the Classification Sergeant. All inmates will be provided with a written response to their respective request(s).
k) Meal Service
1. Each inmate will be offered three meals each day.
2. Meal times are at approximately a.m. (breakfast), a.m. (lunch) and p.m. (dinner). Inmates in the booking or transfer process on the first floor will be offered a sandwich sack lunch. The jail menu and food items comply with all California state standards.
l) Medical/Dental/Psychiatric Care
1. Prior to being booked into the Intake/Release Center each person will be screened by a member of the Correctional Health Services staff. If after booking an inmate wishes to request routine, non-emergency, medical attention they must submit an Inmate Medical Message slip to the medical staff. Slips are available from the medical staff or a deputy. Completed forms are to be deposited in the designated collection box in each module.
2. Sick call will be conducted on a daily basis by medical/mental or dental health care professionals, depending upon the nature of the inmate’s complaint. Inmates found to be hoarding medications or possessing another inmate’s medication will be subject to disciplinary action.
3. If at any time an inmate expresses the need for immediate medical attention or if the deputy determines that an inmate requires immediate medical attention the medical/ mental health staff will be informed immediately.
4. AIDS testing is available through Correctional Health Services. Inmates may contact the nursing staff on an Inmate Medical Message Slip for testing.
m) Recreation Programs
1. Tabletop games, books and newspapers are provided to inmates in their dayrooms. Each inmate will also be offered an opportunity to have a minimum of three (3) hours of outdoor recreation each week. Volleyball, handball and basketball are sports available in the outdoor recreation yards. Outdoor recreation availability is dependent upon weather conditions, court appearance schedules, etc.
2. Televisions are provided in housing dayrooms. Program selections are made by the Recreation Director.
n) Jail Clothing and Hygiene
1. Undergarments and socks shall be exchanged two times each week. Outer garments (except shoes), sheets and towels shall be exchanged at least once each week (title 15: 1262/1271). Inmates are required to shower regularly to prevent an offensive and unhealthful state of body hygiene. Personal grooming items are provided to inmates who do not have money.
o) Commissary
1. Inmates may purchase commissary items three times each week. Order forms are distributed three times a week.
2. Inmates without sufficient funds can order a Welfare Pack (per Title 15) of hygiene and stationary items once per week.
p) Inmate Work Assignments
1. Pre-trial and sentenced inmates may be screened for work opportunities. The inmate’s classification, health status and the need for workers will be considered in the selection process.
q) Jail Records Information
1. Inmates requesting information regarding their bail, sentence expiration date, warrants, out of county holds, etc., may submit an Inmate Message Slip to the housing deputy. Inmates must include their full name, booking number, date of birth and housing location, when they submit their request.
a) Minor Violations Deputies may:
1. Counsel the offender
2. Assign up to four (4) hours extra duty with the approval of a sergeant or Watch Commander.
3. Deny the inmate certain privileges, such as telephone, TV, or commissary for up to five (5) days for each violation.
MINOR VIOLATIONS (partial listing):
1. Failure to rise for reveille
2. Straggling/disrupting
3. Not dressed in full jail issue
4. Failure to have bunk made up properly
5. Failure to clean assigned cell/area
6. Taking food from dayrooms
7. Passing food from table to table in chow hall
8. Possession of contraband
9. Failure to maintain personal hygiene
i. Minor Violation Appeal Procedure: Any inmate wishing to appeal a minor violation must submit a written request within forty-eight (48) hours to the appropriate Sergeant. The Sergeant will review and advise of decision.
b) Major Violations
1. Deputies will prepare a report and submit it to a supervisor.
2. MAJOR VIOLATIONS (partial listing):
i Fighting
ii. Creating a disturbance
iii. Failure to obey a directive
iv. Insubordination or disrespect
v. Possession of contraband which would pose a security threat
vi. Theft
vii. Tampering with a security device
viii. Destruction of jail property
ix. Unauthorized movement
x. Habitual violation of rules
xi. Smoking
3. Disciplinary Process Major Violations:
i. Major Violations of jail rules will result in a disciplinary hearing.
ii. Inmates will receive a copy of the Notice of Disciplinary Violation, on which the rule violation will be documented
iii. Disciplinary hearings will take place no sooner than twenty-four (24) hours and no later than seventy two (72) hours after an inmate is served their Notice of Disciplinary Violation / Hearing, unless their twenty-four (24) hours are waived by the inmate and so noted on the form.
iv. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Hearing Officer will prepare a Disciplinary Hearing Report and submit it along with a copy of the Notice of Disciplinary Violation and any Jail Incident Reports to the Disciplinary Officer for final disposition and imposition of punishment if required.
v. Inmates will be formally advised in writing of the Disciplinary Officer's decision on an Inmate's Advice of Punishment Report
4. Major Violation Appeal Procedure
i. Appeals of punishment may be made in writing in the form of a grievance, an Inmate Message Slip, or a letter to the facility and must be submitted within fourteen (14) days after receiving notice of the discipline imposed. Appeals submitted after this period will not be considered timely and will not be evaluated. The Division Commander or designee will review the incident and advise the inmate of the decision on an Inmate's Advisement of Appeal form.
c) Criminal Conduct
1. If the incident involves criminal conduct, the matter may be referred to the Orange County District Attorney's Office for prosecution.
i. Regardless of whether or not criminal prosecution is sought, a Major Jail Rule Violation report should be completed.
a) Purpose
1. The Department endeavors to meet the legitimate needs of the inmates in its custody. It also recognizes that problems relating to conditions of confinement can and do arise, and can seem especially significant to inmates who have limited control over their own circumstances.
2. The grievance procedure is a formal process for an inmate to address a specific issue or condition of confinement that personally and directly affects him/her. It provides a positive outlet for the expression of concerns, and facilitates their fair and appropriate resolution. It also reduces the likelihood that inmates will resort to misconduct as a means of handling their real or perceived problems. In these ways, the grievance procedure improves custody operations.
3. In order to exhaust administrative remedies as required by the Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA), the inmate must follow the grievance procedure outlined in this section.
b) Allowable Grievances
1. Any inmate may file a grievance related to any condition of confinement, including but not limited to:
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Classification Actions Program Participation Telephone, Mail, and Visiting Procedures Food, Clothing, and Bedding Issues Disability Discrimination
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Phone: (714) 616-1387 Fax: (714) 647-4102
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